What to Do When Someone Dies Without a WillWhat to Do When Someone Dies Without a Will

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What to Do When Someone Dies Without a Will

Hello, my name is Kerry. Last year my mother died suddenly. When we went through her papers, we discovered she didn't have a will. My mother had been married to another man before she met my father and I had a couple of step brothers. Unfortunately, they turned up on our doorstep and started to demand that we hand over my mother's life savings to them and their family. I contacted a lawyer who specialises in probate law. She talked me through my case and explained how we would defend it in court. Thankfully, the matter was resolved to my satisfaction and I could start to grieve for my mother. I decided to start this blog to help others who have a contested will on their hands.

5 Tips for Getting More Custody Time With Your Child

After a divorce, you may have to share custody of your children with your ex-spouse. In other cases, you may be dealing with custody issues because you never had a live-in relationship with the other parent. Regardless of why you have to share custody, if you want more time with your child, you may want to explore the following tips.

1. Work With the Co-Parent

Children benefit from co-parents who get along and work together for the child's mutual success. If possible, talk with the other co-parent about your custody arrangements and see if they consent to giving you more time. For instance, if they work during some of their scheduled custody time and your child is with a nanny anyway, you may want to offer to take the child during those times.

2. Ask If Your Child Can Speak to the Courts

In some cases, you may not be able to work with the other co-parent, or they may not even be willing to talk with you. If your child wants more time with you, consider asking the courts if your child can make a statement. This option can vary depending on the judges involved and the child's age.

3. Create a Safe Home Environment

If you want to convince the family law courts that you deserve more time with your child, you need to create a safe home environment. This is especially important in situations where a subpar environment contributed to the original custody agreement. For instance, if you were living with friends and couldn't take your child but now you have your own place, you may want to bring that information forward.

4. Explain to the Courts Why You're an Excellent Parent

Be ready to justify your parenting techniques. In particular, if the other co-parent is trying to discredit you, you should be prepared to explain why you are a strong parent. You may even want to take notes or use photos to document what you do when you're with your child.

5. Hire an Attorney Experienced in Family Law

For best results when you're trying to set up a positive custody agreement, you should hire an attorney who practices in family law. They can help you identify the best route to take. They can call in mental health professionals as needed, or they can work with you to label the other parent as abusive or neglectful if that is applicable in your situation. To learn more, contact a family law specialist today.